Monday, May 25, 2009

Telecommunications Towers in Shoalhaven

Two telecommunications towers are at the center of controversy in the Shoalhaven at present. At different ends of the city, objectors to the proposed installations at Callala Bay and Narrawallee are concerned about the public health risks and loss of visual amenity that 40m monopoles will have.

A comprehensive study has to date not occurred on the effects of electromagnetic radiation, which has been linked to cancer, depression, infertility, immune disorders, nausea and headaches.

Until such times that we have an answer to the health implications, Councils have a duty of care and to take a precautionary principal approach to the placement of towers.

For those suffering from asbestos related disease it wouldn't seem that long ago that asbestos was declared a 'safe' product.

When these issues were first brought to my attention, I went looking to find a formal council position, and could not. This Tuesday 26 May I have put a request to Council to hold a briefing session with a view to formulating a policy position- so that in future we can look at the most safe and sensible places to put towers. That should exclude, schools, sports fields and houses were people congregate for long periods. I also hope that we can incorporate the telecommunications own codes of practice.

We need a policy to take us into the future, as more pressure for more towers will become an everyday issue. People have a right to demand good service without compromising health.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

Public Forum for Shoalhaven City Council

For the next Council meeting on Tuesday 26 May 2009, I have put forward a proposal to include a public forum in one of Councils bi-monthly ordinary meetings.

Public consultation is the cornerstone of local government and helps to deepen democracy. Councillors have a duty to listen to not just the people with bright ideas, but those who have a problem or an opinion.

In the Shoalhaven we have Community Consultation Bodies (CCB), or groups of residents registered and supported by Council, who meet on a regular basis to discuss issues from A-Z. The minutes of these meetings and any issues are reported back to council in an informal way.

I have participated in these forums now from both perspectives and feel that CCB are a great way to communicate with council on a range of issues. However I do not think they represent all the people of our city.

At present if you want to get in contact with all 13 councillors you need to phone,email or write. The opportunities to meet with all 13 are rare, but if we open up opportunities for people to come along to a council meeting and air whats on their mind- I believe it could be an efficient and effective way to relate to Council.

I have provide the following seven points as a starting point for the debate, I hope that councillors are active in helping craft a position that is logical and workable.

Amendment to the Code of Meeting Practice to Include a Public Forum.

1. Council amend the code of meeting practice to include a Public Forum to take place prior to a monthly Council Meeting.
2. The aim is to provide an opportunity to speak to the gathered Council on any subject NOT in Councils Business Paper for the meeting following.
3. The Public Forum be limited to 15 minutes- allowing three speakers a maximum speaking time of three minutes each and allow for a brief question time to clarify any points.
4. No extension of time for such presentations will be permitted.
5. The subject shall not relate to matters where there are other opportunities for deputation eg. Development matters.
6. No debate on the item will take place.
7. The community member shall provide an overview of what is intended to be presented to the general manager prior to the meeting.

I hope the outcome is a positive one for the people of Shoalhaven.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Solar thriving in a small town!

Mick taking cover from the sun under a 160watt solar panel. He will need all the rest he can get before the installation of one of the biggest stand alone systems in the Shoalhaven gets installed!
17 Kilowatts- watch this space for more news on that one.

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Fossil Walk for Ulladulla

I was always a kid that had little bits of nature in my pocket, twigs rocks seed pods, and I never could resist the opportunity to skim stones, jump in puddles and be the first footprints in fresh snow- I blame that on my mother though who used to drag us out of bed to enjoy the quiet of the fresh snow and put in the footprints!

My daughter will one day blame me for her pockets full of stones.

A recent trip to Tasmania saw plenty of stone skipping and visits to areas of natural wonder. Tasmania is a great place for 'soft tourism'- well formed walks, interesting signboards-ones the kids could actually read. I even had the great fortune to find a fossil in the river pebbles on the edges of the mighty Franklin River-the child like urge raised, I fought the temptation to pocket the treasure, but instead I pocketed a heap of photos from every angle with different light combos- WOW.

Getting back home and going to the regular walking spots, I had my 'holiday eyes' on- you know the ones that are focused on the now and not on the next meeting or the clock! With these open eyes I refound interesting things in my own back yard and thought 'this is better than Tasmania'.

I contatced a local journalist and off we went to our very own fossil walk, and so the idea was born and in need of a champion. Thanks to Phil and an optimistic and open local crew, this idea could very well become a reality.

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Meet The Candidate Forum Makes Choice More Difficult


NSW Greens are preparing for the next federal election, which could come as early as 2010 should K Rudd call a double dissolution.
Candidates have nominated, and now begins the task of getting around the state to meet members.
Shoalhaven was the second port of call for the candidates who commenced their rounds in Yass on Saturday.
Candidates were allowed a 7 minute prepared speech, and then expected to talk to questions prepared by the Shoalhaven group.
An informative question and answer session saw a volley of question on all manner of issues thrown at our lively foursome.
Cate, Adam, Lee and Keith all gave fantastic answers on the big issues of Financial Crisis, Population, Climate Change and Preferences.
One participant at the Forum commented-'It would be great if we could have all of them!'
For me it was an excellent opportunity to see them all in action and help make that critical decision before June16.
If you missed out on this excellent event, you can capture some of the action by calling the returning officer to receive an audio recording of the candidates. ( Give your member number from your ballot mailout) Or call the candidates direct and talk to them all- they are all interesting and passionate people ( again see your ballot mailout for contacts)
The July 11/12th State Delegates Conference hosted here in Shoalhaven should be the time when NSW Greens ratify our candidates for the next federal election- exciting times!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Aboriginal Advisory Committee of to a great start.

After a three year break Shoalhaven Council's Aboriginal Advisory Committee reconvened for the first time.

To me it was an important occasion, and a privilege to be part off.

Our region has a high percentage of Aboriginal people, who come from diverse backgrounds and recognise different clan groups, the committee should be an important link from Council to the Aboriginal Community.

Business addressed by this gathering included rewriting of the committee guidelines to reflect the spirit of a revised group. The development of Aboriginal Cultural Protocols for use by Councillors and Staff. Renaming and reaffirming of the Aboriginal Employment Strategy, offer of Support for NAIDOC art week and flag raising protocol.

The minutes of the last meeting held (in May 2006) were presented to the meeting, and I was surprised to find the item of business that recommended an acknowledgement to traditional owners be included in every ordinary meeting- this had never been acted upon and I was able to have it reintroduced as an item of business.

Our Aboriginal members stayed after the meeting to discuss issues and to bring forward some words for the acknowledgement. I hope they will join us at the next ordinary meeting that will ratify the recommendations from the committee.

During my 13 years on the coast, I have at times been disgusted with the level of racism shown towards Aboriginal people and a general lack of or will to understand culture and community. I hold high hopes that as a leading organisation within the community Council can show true leadership in regards to cultural and social change.

I asked the question : Could Council request that its large infrastructure contracts ( i,e, around $1Mill) demand an Aboriginal employment portion of 5%- maybe one day this could be a reality !

Shelter to Close it doors as letter requesting more rentals goes out.

Salt Care - follow link to see their services  I received the sad news that our local homeless shelter needs to close it's doors on Sund...