Thursday, August 19, 2010

Ulladulla High Schools Exams due to start in a construction zone.

Last week I was contacted by a distraught parent who thought her child would have to sit the HSC in Ulladulla High Schools hall which is a construction zone at the moment.

I got in touch with the P and C president and we talked over the needs of the young people and using Ulladulla Civic Centre  which Shoalahven City Council usually charge for, that night I went straight to the general manager seeking a waiver of the fees and he agreed straight away.

The distraught parent had also been in touch with Clr Bob Proudfoot who is also a teacher so I filled him in on what the general manager had agreed to Bob said (tongue in cheek) arent you going to put up a notice of motion to get some votes. I replied no- there was no need as the objective had been acheived.

lo and behold I open up my business paper tonight and there is a notice of motion to waiver the fees signed by the vote seeking Clrs Ward and Bennett, who will want to put on a floor show at the meeting , which just happens to be held in Ulladulla that night.

Its hard to not be cynical in this position, actions like this just make the cynicism more rusted on,but it certainly wont stop me from acting in the best interests of my community without having to draw attention to every little deed!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Shameful behaviour.

Shelter to Close it doors as letter requesting more rentals goes out.

Salt Care - follow link to see their services  I received the sad news that our local homeless shelter needs to close it's doors on Sund...