Friday, September 17, 2010

Sample letter to Stop woodchipping

here is a sample letter to the government regarding stopping wood chipping, letters don't have to be complex or long but it is better that they are sent snail mail (in my opinion). If you include a CC to all house members and federal senate then all should get a copy- or you may just want to target a few individuals. This is the link to the feds web page for contact details.

its not about a technically correct letter, but getting something in front of the noses of those who make decisions- some of them I'm sure would be oblivious to the wood chipping issue

The Hon Julia Gillard MP

Prime Minister

Parliament House

CC All members House of Representatives and the federal Senate
I call on the Federal Government of Australia to intervene and cease Native forest wood chipping for export immediately.

In NSW the industry is recording losses up to $14 million and yet as a country we continue to provide subsides directly and indirectly to an industry that has obviously failed. These figures appear to have been hidden and absorbed by the plantation industry in the same state under Forests NSW stewardship..

While we continue to subsidise a failed industry we are missing out on redirecting these valued funds into research and development opportunities for replacement fibre for paper and cardboard production and the extension of the plantation timber resource.

More critically though we are missing out on opportunity’s to mitigate our intense carbon use and tackle the issue of climate change.

There is much talk about reinvigorating regional Australia and intensifying population in different areas. Without a clean, green workforce for people to participate in a migration back to the job centres will occur. Instead of small aging forestry workforces there are many opportunities to provide good forest stewardship jobs to young people and help ease the outward flow of young people from regional areas.

There are many environmental benefits for ceasing native forest logging operations for woodchip, yet the environmental argument has been eclipsed by economic interests-the time has come to recognise that the current economic arguments are fallacies and fantasies.

I challenge you to uncover the economic truth that is a failed native forests woodchip industry and think laterally about the possibilities’ that are currently passing us by.

I look forward to the end of native forest ‘mining’ and hope that you can make this issue a priority for this government early in its parliamentary life.

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